4. Rutishauser–Romberg 数值导数收敛三角的计算#


这一份简单笔记会介绍 (Generalized) Rutishauser–Romberg 数值导数收敛三角的 Python 程序的使用与原理。后文会简称 Rutishauser–Romberg 为 RR,Generalized RR 为 GRR。

由于 GRR 方法与 RR 方法仅仅差别在等比数列的比例上,因此不加赘述。我们只讨论 RR 收敛三角。

这篇文档的复现对象是 Medved et al. [1]

import numpy as np
import findiff
import pandas as pd

np.set_printoptions(precision=4, suppress=True, linewidth=120)

4.1. 问题阐述#

现在我们想要对函数 \(f(x) = \sin(x - 0.5)\) 求其在零点处的三阶导数 \(f^{(3)}(0)\) 的数值结果。


  • \(f(x)\) 的值可以直接获得,但 \(f\) 的任意阶导数不能直接获得;

  • \(f(x)\) 只能通过单浮点精度计算机计算 (即存在较大机器精度误差)。

理论上,最理想的结果会是 \(- \cos(- 0.5) \simeq -0.877583\)。但在只能通过数值导数计算的情况下,这个值并不是轻易可以得到并且信任的。


def f(x):
    return np.array(np.array(np.sin(x-0.5), dtype=np.float32), dtype=float)

4.1.1. 问题的困难:过低或过高的间隔的数值误差#


\[ f^{(3)} (x) \simeq \frac{1}{h^3} \left[ - \frac{1}{2} f(x-2h) + f(x-h) - f(x+h) + \frac{1}{2} f(x+2h) \right] \]

原则上,数值导数的间隔 \(h\) (interval) 越小越好。如果 \(h\) 过大 (譬如取 \(h = 0.5\)),那么结果就会与理论值 (-0.877583) 相差很大:

x, h = 0, 0.5
1/h**3 * (-0.5*f(x-2*h) + f(x-h) - f(x+h) + 0.5*f(x+2*h))

但如果间隔 \(h\) 太小 (譬如取 \(h = 0.005\)),那么又会出于机器精度,反而会有更大的偏差:

x, h = 0, 0.005
1/h**3 * (-0.5*f(x-2*h) + f(x-h) - f(x+h) + 0.5*f(x+2*h))

因此,间隔 \(h\) 必须要适中 (譬如取 \(h = 0.05\)),才有可能得到正确的结果:

x, h = 0, 0.05
1/h**3 * (-0.5*f(x-2*h) + f(x-h) - f(x+h) + 0.5*f(x+2*h))

不仅如此,如果采用下述七点差分公式时,精度或许 (也或许不) 会有些许提升:

\[ f^{(3)} (x) \simeq \frac{1}{48 h^3} \left[ f(x-4h) - 34 f(x-2h) + 64 f(x-h) - 64 f(x+h) + 34 f(x+2h) - f(x+4h) \right] \]


1/h**3 * 1/48 * (f(x-4*h) - 34*f(x-2*h) + 64*f(x-h) - 64*f(x+h) + 34*f(x+2*h) - f(x+4*h))


  • 间隔 \(h\) 在什么情况下可以被信任,可能得到正确的结果?

  • 采用几点差分会有更好的效果?

4.1.2. 问题的解决:RR 收敛三角#

通过上面简单的分析,我们知道合理的间隔在 \(0.005\)\(0.5\) 之间。因此,我们设计以两倍为间隔的等比数列,称为偏移值数列 (英文一般称为 offsets) offsets_half

offsets_half = np.array([0.004 * 2**n for n in range(10)])
array([0.004, 0.008, 0.016, 0.032, 0.064, 0.128, 0.256, 0.512, 1.024, 2.048])

我们对这些数,求取 \(f(x)\),生成的数组为 fx_pos \([f(0.004), f(0.008), \cdots, f(2.048)]\)

fx_pos = f(offsets_half)
array([-0.4759, -0.4724, -0.4653, -0.4511, -0.4223, -0.3635, -0.2416,  0.012 ,  0.5003,  0.9997])

我们同时求取 \(f(-x)\),生成的数组为 fx_neg \([f(-0.004), f(-0.008), \cdots, f(-2.048)]\)

fx_neg = f(-offsets_half)
array([-0.4829, -0.4864, -0.4934, -0.5073, -0.5346, -0.5875, -0.686 , -0.8479, -0.9989, -0.5593])

最后需要求取 \(f(0)\) f0

f0 = f(0)

通过下述程序给出并绘制 RR 收敛三角。其中 grrtrig 程序可供下载 grrtrig.py,而大多数函数也会在本文档重新说明。

import grrtrig
grr = grrtrig.calculate_GRR_trig(offsets_half, 3, fx_pos, fx_neg, f0)
df, _ = grrtrig.output_pd_grr_trig(offsets_half, grr)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0.004 -0.931323 -0.941024 -0.943126 -0.943630 -0.943755 -0.943786 -0.943793 -0.943795
0.008 -0.902219 -0.909495 -0.911364 -0.911835 -0.911953 -0.911982 -0.911989
0.016 -0.880391 -0.881452 -0.881722 -0.881791 -0.881808 -0.881813
0.032 -0.877208 -0.877397 -0.877388 -0.877386 -0.877386
0.064 -0.876639 -0.877527 -0.877527 -0.877527
0.128 -0.873975 -0.877533 -0.877554
0.256 -0.863299 -0.877214
0.512 -0.821555

绿色的值中,存有精确的三阶数值导数 \(f^{(3)}(0)\) 的概率比较大。

4.2. 实现原理#

从这里开始仅仅是程序笔记。如果只关心如何使用 RR 收敛三角,上面的文档与程序应当已经足够了。

4.2.1. 给定微小偏移函数值下的任意阶数值导数#

首先是考察下述问题。在给定任意偏移列表 (offsets) \(\{ a_m \}\) 或写作向量 \(\boldsymbol{a}\) 的情况下,其任意阶数值导数 \(f^{(n)}\) 应该如何给出?

数值导数的形式会是 (其中 \(\{ b_m \}\) 为待求量,它与导数阶数 \(n\) 有关,我们称 \(\{ b_m \}\) 为数值差分系数 Finite Difference Coefficients)

\[ f^{(n)} = \sum_{j = 0}^m b_j f(a_j) \]

举例来说,五点差分的三阶导数情况下,\(m = 5, n = 3\),并且 \(\{ a_m \} = \{ -2, -1, 0, 1, 2 \}\)。那么由此得到的 \(\{ b_m \} = \{ - 1/2, 1, 0, -1, 1/2 \}\)。但这是在间隔 \(h = 1\) 的情形下给出的。如果是其他间隔,那么

\[\begin{split} \{ a_m \} = \{ -2h, -h, 0, h, 2h \} \\ \{ b_m \} = \{ - h^{-3}/2, h^{-3}, 0, -h^{-3}, h^{-3}/2 \} \end{split}\]

这类数值差分系数可以很容易地从 Wikipedia: Finite difference coefficient 上获得。

但我们实际会遇到的是更复杂的差分情形。譬如方才提到的三阶导数的七点差分。一般的七点差分是从 -3 到 3 的等差数列;但我们方才用到的却是从 -4 到 4 的正负两条等比数列。这要求我们能对任意情形的偏移列表 \(\{ a_m \}\) 进行系数 \(\{ b_m \}\) 的计算。

其计算原理这里不详细展开。详情参考 Crtaylor 的交互网页。实现过程非常简单。

  • \(m \times m\) 矩阵 \(\mathbf{M}\),其中矩阵元 \(M_{ij} = a_j^i\)

  • \(m\) 维度向量 \(\boldsymbol{r}\),其中 \(r_n = n!\),其余值均为零。

随后求解 \(\mathbf{M} \boldsymbol{b} = \boldsymbol{r}\) 即可。

def calculate_findiff_coefs(offsets, deriv):
    Calculate Finite Difference Coefficients
    offsets : array_like
    deriv : int
    coefs : ndarray
    >>> calculate_findiff_coefs([-2, -1, 0, 1, 2], 4) 
    array([ 1., -4.,  6., -4.,  1.])
    >>> calculate_findiff_coefs([-2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 1.99], 3)
    array([  -0.1867,   -0.6722,    3.7688,   -6.0505, -124.5   ,  127.6406])
    if len(offsets) < deriv + 1:
        raise ValueError("Length of offsets should be larger than derivative order plus 1.")
    if len(offsets) != len(set(offsets)):
        # Note that this program could not handle pathological cases, only make simple check instead.
        raise ValueError("Possibly exactly same offset value is given. Please check `offsets'.")
    offsets = np.asarray(offsets)
    matrix = np.array([offsets**n for n in range(len(offsets))])
    rhs = np.zeros(len(offsets))
    rhs[deriv] = np.math.factorial(deriv)
    return np.linalg.solve(matrix, rhs)

4.2.2. GRR 收敛三角具体实现#

这里根据 Medveď 文章式 (15) 来实现。GRR 收敛三角的首列通过上述程序进行数值差分。如果我们令 GRR 收敛三角为矩阵 \(\mathbf{P}\),其矩阵元用 \(P_{r, c}\) 表示,那么 \(c >= 1\) 时,

\[ P_{r, c} = \frac{a^{2c} P_{r, c-1} - P_{r+1, c-1}}{a^{2c} - 1} \]


事实上,如果收敛三角任意列可以全部使用上述 calculate_findiff_coefs 函数求得,并且与迭代表达式等价。但出于数值稳定性考虑,仍然选择使用迭代式。

def calculate_GRR_trig(offsets_half, deriv, fx_pos, fx_neg, f0=None):
    Calculate (Generalized) Rutishauser–Romberg Triangle
    offsets_half : array_like
        Positive half part of offsets.  For example, if all offsets are [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2],
            then `offsets_half' should be [1, 2].
        Must be a geometric sequence. This function does not make double check on this.
        Do not contain zero in this array.
    deriv : int
    fx_pos : array_like
        Value list of f(offsets_half). Dimension should be the same to `offsets_half'.
    fx_neg : array_like
        Value list of f(-offsets_half). Dimension should be the same to `offsets_half'.
    f0 : float or None
        Value of f(0). May leave as None if derivative order is odd number.
    grr_trig : ndarray
        (Generalized) Rutishauser–Romberg triangle.
    if deriv % 2 == 0 and f0 is None:
        raise ValueError("`f0' should be provided if derivative order is even number.")
        f0 = 0 if f0 is None else f0
    if len(offsets_half) < 2:
        raise ValueError("length of `offsets_half' must >= 2 in order to calculate ratio.")

    comp_len = (deriv + 1) // 2
    mat_size = len(offsets_half) - comp_len
    grr_trig = np.zeros((mat_size, mat_size))
    ratio = offsets_half[-1] / offsets_half[-2]
    for r in range(mat_size):
        i_end = r + comp_len
        offsets = np.concatenate([offsets_half[r:i_end], -offsets_half[r:i_end], [0]])
        coef_list = calculate_findiff_coefs(offsets, deriv)
        val_list = np.concatenate([fx_pos[r:i_end], fx_neg[r:i_end], [f0]])
        grr_trig[r, 0] = (coef_list * val_list).sum()
    for c in range(1, mat_size):
        for r in range(mat_size-c):
            grr_trig[r, c] = (ratio**(2*c) * grr_trig[r, c-1] - grr_trig[r+1, c-1]) / (ratio**(2*c) - 1)    
    for r in range(mat_size):
        for c in range(mat_size-r, mat_size):
            grr_trig[r, c] = np.nan
    return grr_trig

对于文档开头 \(f(x) = \sin(x - 0.5)\) 的问题,其 RR 收敛三角为

calculate_GRR_trig(offsets_half, 3, fx_pos, fx_neg, f0)
array([[-0.9313, -0.941 , -0.9431, -0.9436, -0.9438, -0.9438, -0.9438, -0.9438],
       [-0.9022, -0.9095, -0.9114, -0.9118, -0.912 , -0.912 , -0.912 ,     nan],
       [-0.8804, -0.8815, -0.8817, -0.8818, -0.8818, -0.8818,     nan,     nan],
       [-0.8772, -0.8774, -0.8774, -0.8774, -0.8774,     nan,     nan,     nan],
       [-0.8766, -0.8775, -0.8775, -0.8775,     nan,     nan,     nan,     nan],
       [-0.874 , -0.8775, -0.8776,     nan,     nan,     nan,     nan,     nan],
       [-0.8633, -0.8772,     nan,     nan,     nan,     nan,     nan,     nan],
       [-0.8216,     nan,     nan,     nan,     nan,     nan,     nan,     nan]])

4.3. 实现补充#

4.3.1. GRR 收敛三角的合理收敛值确定#

如果不考虑机器精度所导致的误差,那么收敛三角的最右上方一定是精度 (accuracy) 阶数最高的结果。但很显然,事实是这个值反而是偏差最大的点。因此,我们需要问,上述三角的那个结果是可以信任的?

一般来说,与周围数值偏差最小的点是可以信任的。上述三角的第 1-4 列、第 3-6 行看起来比较可靠。但我们需要一种方法较为系统地评价值是否可以信任。


def check_grr_trig_converge(grr_trig):
    Convergence Check Matrix of (Generalized) Rutishauser–Romberg Triangle
    grr_trig : ndarray
        (Generalized) Rutishauser–Romberg triangle.
    mat_chk : ndarray
    n = len(grr_trig)
    mat_chk = np.zeros((n, n))
    for r in range(0, n-1):
        for c in range(1, n-r-1):
            mat_chk[r, c] = np.abs(grr_trig[r, c] - grr_trig[r+1, c]) + np.abs(grr_trig[r, c] - grr_trig[r, c-1])
    for r in range(n):
        mat_chk[r, 0] = np.nan
    for r in range(0, n):
        for c in range(n-r-1, n):
            mat_chk[r, c] = np.nan
    return mat_chk
grr = calculate_GRR_trig(offsets_half, 3, fx_pos, fx_neg, f0)
array([[   nan, 0.0412, 0.0339, 0.0323, 0.0319, 0.0318, 0.0318,    nan],
       [   nan, 0.0353, 0.0315, 0.0305, 0.0303, 0.0302,    nan,    nan],
       [   nan, 0.0051, 0.0046, 0.0045, 0.0044,    nan,    nan,    nan],
       [   nan, 0.0003, 0.0001, 0.0001,    nan,    nan,    nan,    nan],
       [   nan, 0.0009, 0.    ,    nan,    nan,    nan,    nan,    nan],
       [   nan, 0.0039,    nan,    nan,    nan,    nan,    nan,    nan],
       [   nan,    nan,    nan,    nan,    nan,    nan,    nan,    nan],
       [   nan,    nan,    nan,    nan,    nan,    nan,    nan,    nan]])

4.3.2. GRR 收敛三角在 Pandas 的绘制#


def output_pd_grr_trig(offsets_half, grr_trig, tolerance=3):
    Pandas Presentation of (Generalized) Rutishauser–Romberg Triangle
    offsets_half : array_like
    grr_trig : ndarray
        (Generalized) Rutishauser–Romberg triangle.
    tolerance : int
        Number of minimum difference cells in convergence check matrix.
    df : pandas.io.formats.style.Styler
        Pandas show of GRR triangle.
    df_check : pandas.io.formats.style.Styler
        Pandas show of convergence check matrix of GRR triangle.
    n = len(grr_trig)
    df = pd.DataFrame(grr_trig, columns=range(n), index=offsets_half[:n])
    df_check = pd.DataFrame(check_grr_trig_converge(grr_trig), columns=range(n), index=offsets_half[:n])
    df.replace(np.nan, "", regex=True, inplace=True)
    df_check.replace(np.nan, "", regex=True, inplace=True)

    t = check_grr_trig_converge(grr_trig).flatten()
    t = t.argsort()[:3]
    t = np.array([t // n, t % n]).T
    def highlight_cells(x):
        df = x.copy()
        df.loc[:,:] = '' 
        for r, c in t:
            df.iloc[r, c] = "background-color: lightgreen"
            df.iloc[r, c-1] = "background-color: lightgreen"
            df.iloc[r+1, c] = "background-color: lightgreen"
        return df

    df = df.style.apply(highlight_cells, axis=None)
    df_check = df_check.style.apply(highlight_cells, axis=None)
    return df, df_check
df, df_check = output_pd_grr_trig(offsets_half, grr)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0.004 -0.931323 -0.941024 -0.943126 -0.943630 -0.943755 -0.943786 -0.943793 -0.943795
0.008 -0.902219 -0.909495 -0.911364 -0.911835 -0.911953 -0.911982 -0.911989
0.016 -0.880391 -0.881452 -0.881722 -0.881791 -0.881808 -0.881813
0.032 -0.877208 -0.877397 -0.877388 -0.877386 -0.877386
0.064 -0.876639 -0.877527 -0.877527 -0.877527
0.128 -0.873975 -0.877533 -0.877554
0.256 -0.863299 -0.877214
0.512 -0.821555